Monday 11 May 2009


Andre' "fresh start, new beginning, i gotta play hard and tough, this is my time now or never, i gotta prove my self, for me to earn his respect i got to beat him, i've com a long way, i've got to make it better

Andre' "can i play"
Jevon' "you cant ball like me"
Andre' "come lets play"
Jevon ' "am going to murk you nice 
Andre' "game point 
Jevon' "you got game, you got my respect

Audience Comments.

I viewed my film to a couple of people to get feed backs from them about my film.

i viewed my film to 16 to 19 years i could'nt view it to younger audience because it was in college i viewed it so it wasn't possible to get younger kids to view it to, the people i viewed my film to enjoyed the film. some people liked the the slow motion others liked the beginning of the film which was the close up of the main characters shoes others liked the the background sound. 

i asked what social groups of person would enjoy this product and some said sporty people of all kinds of sports,some said teenagers that plays basketball and others said all ages 

i then asked people about the sound used for my product and they said it was very good but it just needed to be clearer

overall people gave me 9/10 for the whole filming so i was proud to make a good film in shot time good editing

i asked them what could i improve on my film, some said i could have raised sound on characters and down in the background, some said i could have made it a very steady shot, others said the background noise and better location 

Thursday 7 May 2009


1.In what way does your media product use, develope or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

I used a lot of "like mike" filming techniques such as the camera angles "over shoulder angle shot" i used that shot when Jevon and Andre was having a conversation scene, this really made my film look quiet proffestional, i also used "Love and Basketball" language technics was an argumentitive language i used the same language when jevon was telling Andre he can't play basketball better than him. I also used Love and Basketball's "very longshot" of the two men taking a couch from a van, that camera angle was also seen in my film as jevon was playing basketball by him self before Ander walked into the basketball gym. I used "like mike" noisey background noise of the other kids in the park. This is shown when jeevs was playing basketball before Andre walked in you could hear other people playing baskeball ball in the gym on the other side.

2. How does your media product represent a particular social groups?

I used two young black male, both was very competitive but on archieved his goals in a positive way and the other one archieved his goal in a bullying way, The main actor "Andre Mcmiller" will be described as a positive person who archieve his goals in a positive way he is a smart boy, very calm, but "Jevon Ford" will be describe as a bully,agressive, he thinks he is the best at basketball, very argumentitive.

3.Who kind of media institute might distribute your media product?

If i was to introduce my film to NBA productions and they accepted my idea i would need proffestional equipments such as proffestional actors and also proper basketball unifor. i woud want an audience at the background to watch and also a basketball court with only basketball lines nothing else. I will also introduce my film to new line cenima/40 acres because love and basketball was distributed by them and the film was quiet successful so i will consider my film in that film record company.

4.Who would be the audience for your media product.

I view my movie to "antony crop" who is 12 years old. he said he liked the character i used for my film, he like the story line he also sed i could make it better by making my actors improvise more. I also viewed my film to jesse grabbrah who is 17 he said he like the location i filmed my film in because it was relevant to the sort of movie i did he also said he like the first scene where Andre Mcmiller was talking to him self whiles he was in the changing rooms, he also said i should have made make my actors improvise and also cut some of backgorund noise at the background because it affected my actors improvisation. i then showed my film to miss sharp she said she like the slow motion scene when Andre Mcmiller put the ball throught Jevon Fords legs and she like the background music i used for my film. she also sed i need to let them improvise more

i feel my only downfall was the improvisation of my actors and i personly feel i could have improved the camera angle by shooting more angles to make my film look more professtional.
The audience for my film is 12 years old and above but i would want to make my film viewer to all audience because i personlly feel every body can enjoy my film.

5. How did you attract your audience?

I used teenagers as my actors because i aimed my film at 12years old because also viewerable to all ages. i couldn't use adult as my actors because 12 year old or younger will not be able to relate to them and i couldn,t use little kids because adults can not really relate to them and because of that it will not attract my audience so i thought if i used teenagers it will attract 12 years old and under and also attract adults so by doing this i will improve the chances of my movie reaching wider audiences and attracting them to my audience. The location was a changing room and a basketball gym i had to use that because a lot more 12+ under will be excited to see an opening scene of someone in the changing room talking to him self and then finding out is about basketball hes talking about will attract them to know what is going to happen next it will also attract adults when they see is about basketball because enjoy the sport expecially basketball. The music i used will also attract my audience because it is an energetic music that will catch your attention quickly and keep you focus to the film it also makes you think what's going to happen 

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

There were restriction with the camera  as in sound quality but i could have improved my sound quality if i planned my camera angles and the background which limited the actors improvisation sounds, you couldn't hear my actors properly in some the the scene because there was a lot of other people in the gym so that made it hard for the camera to record their voice clear. 

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I have learnt a lot about the camera example how to use night switch on night mode i have also learnt how to use the macs expecially imovie because i didn't know how to cut of scenes in my film, how to add chapter, how to add effects to it but after i finished editing my film i realised i have actually learnt a lot of skills that i didn't know before. i also learnt that i should stick to your time plan to get everthing done.

first i was going to film a gansgster thriller scene but i didn't go according to plan because i didn't have the right enquipments to make it look good and also i couldn't find an adults as my actors which made things very hard for me so i decided to change the genre to a sporty drama which turned out as a success because i didn't need that much equipments, the actors wasn't hard to find because i used my friends as actors i had to change every as in start my plan again scripting, research, brief, props. but with determination i got it all done in time to the teacher.

Analysis of my questionnaire

I created a questionnaire because I needed to know my target audience or the general audience view on films I asked very straight questions because I didn’t want them to just right anything down without thinking about it.
After I finished my questionnaire I found out that music played a big part in movies such as the type of song and the tempo. Three people like comedian films which I thought was very interesting because the most majority of people who had more interest in comedian films were aged 15 to 17.only two people picked action and they were aged between 15 to 17. Only two people liked romantic and two people picked horror. Overall I found out that a lot of teenagers like comedian which I found very honest because the most teenagers I know prefer comedian films. Most people liked story lines that are complicated mind bending twist, others liked natural and relevant. When I asked what location would you like a film to be set in most people said London and other said Bristol, wales, a lot of people like gangster film that is set in the modern times. After I asked peoples favourite actors a lot of people like British actors which I thought I quite weird because American actors a lot better that British actor that’s jus my opinion. I also done I side research which made me find out that a lot of females liked romantic movies
After asking all the important question I had a rough idea of where and the type of story line that I will include in my film.

Friday 13 March 2009


New film coventions

i had to do a secondary research on similar genre films to my film because i had to have a clue how the language is used diferent kinds of camera angles,backgrounds 

Love And Basketball
The openning scene is very welcoming because they use a very old classical jazzy type song to set the mood and also a very longshot of two men taking a couch from a van, then there is a slow transition to a house, then another slow transition to the back garden of the house where some kids are playing basketball, then a very quick transition to one of the kids playing basketball face and also the music at the background slowly fades away. the language used is quite aggressive as the kids are arguing about who is a better player, then again there is a long shot of all the characters in the scene which i think shows the audience off their surrounding as in where the scene is located at the music snaps back into the scene as soon as they begin to play basketball. the music used is "Micheal Jackson ABC" I think the tempo of the music fits perfectly to the tempo of the match they are playing.

Like Mike 
There is a close up camera shot at the first scene and quick transition to introduce the main characters in film. There is a hipop music at the background as the main character plays basketball. The opening scene is in the day which i think is a significant thing to think of the times the film is shot because film a little kids in the park at night doesn't really relate to the type of film it is. There is drumming at the background as the camera changes to the basketball hoop, the director uses excellent background noise to make the audience notice they are not the only kids in the park playing basketball as it will not look that real if they are the only children in the park. the director uses many different varieties of camera angle shots to catch the audiences attention such as medium close up, close up, low angle shot as the main character shoots the ball, the language used is very formal and well presented as they are kids in the park enjoying each others company 

Old genre of my first conventions

1. Rise of the footsoldier
The opening scene is very dark giving a lot of scary atmosphere ,theres alot of high speed music building up tension, there are very quick camera transitions , alot of anger in conversation and arguing, theres a picture of the dark sky,hinting something bad is about to hapen, the opening scene is aslo very brutal,agressive,different camera angle shot,violence going on in a rave(people dying while some are dancing,lots of drums as people getting hit by a baseball bat straight away a large group of people fighting against each other.

2. The Godfather
There is a slow song at the begining then a man suddenly appears in the dark room sitting talking to the Godfather, Then i saw other man in the dark but only his face was shown. There is an overshoulder shot from the Godfather shoulder to the person he is having the conversaion with, the conversation i very smooth giving a sense of calmness . The darkness lighten up and we see there is more than a couple in the room. Slow movement of the Godfather not showing alot of aggresstion and all his body guard wearing suits and the God father him self to.

3. American gangster
The openong scene starts of with a nice blue sky, quick transition from the sky to the ocean,slow music very dancable (alsa type), people are taking drugs in a warehouse. there is alot of shooting (loud) and blasting (cars blowing up) picture of the gangster name at the bottom frank lucas

Time Plan

Jan 19th

1. Script,rehearse,location

My character lines and also picking out the location where am going to shoot my film

2. Research secondary

Vue three a four films relating to my film genre and listen to the different converation style

3. Storyboard
what the movement and opening scene is about, camera shot angles

Feb 13th wk1/2 term holiday

4. Film
filming in different location according to my location plan, i should be filming by 19th of march and finsh filming br the 11th

5. Editing
Cutting out the unnessary scenes i dont want in my film and aslo add effects to make it look real and better.

6. Feedback from audience
i will be getting feeback from my audience commenting on what they like and dislike about my film
I will evaluate my overall work which will be based on the feedback and relastion to media conventions

Location Plan

Sport Drama/Location

The location of my film will be set in a changing room and also a basketball gym, this is because i will start the film off by introducing the main character in the changing rooms "he will be putting on his basketball trainers" he will also be be talking to himself. The rest of the scene will be in the basketball gym because that is where he is going to play he best player on the team to earn his respect.

My actors will be Andre Mcmiller and Jevon ford 

My Gangster thriler old genre
  • The house location will be a country side house, because i want to look very isolated from other house so it will give my audience to think why is the house i soo isolated and what can possibly be going on
  • Inside the house will be normal bedroom nothing glossy "not give a richness hint"
  • The house will be filled with darknes and very glumy, i the impact i want the scene to give to the character is fear (thinking will you make it back outside if you step inside the house)
  • My actors will be, Gbenga,Ahmed,Arsema,Hayden
  • the custumes will be all black suits

Task Brief

My main task for this brief is to produce the title and opening of a new fiction film to last a max of 2 minutes 

My plan is to produce a sporty drama. the location of my film will be in a basketball gym and a changing room. i will be using two actors one will play the role of the main character and the other will play as a basketball player, i will need a basketball, basketball vest,shorts and trainers. My film will be aimed at 12 years i chose this age because there will be a lot of slang not very formal and kids under the age of 12 will find it difficult to understand the words spoken but kids under can watch it to if they want to see it 

this allows my fils to reach a young audience and at the same time an older audience

Old brief of my gangster thriller

My main task for this brief is to produce the and opening of a new ficion film, to last a max of 2minutes.

My plan is to produce a gangster thriller opening scene. The location where the scene of my film will be set is outside of an isolated house were my main character will be walking into a house. The costumes i will need is a full suit for the "Boss", As the sub characters will be wearing the same suit but less fashionable. I will need three actor as i will need the boss, the boss body guard, the main character. The opening film will be specifically aimed at the age of 15+ because my film will have aggresstion,demanding conversation and threatening arguments .
